Andrew Von Sonn

Articles - Foreign Wars

by Andrew Von Sonn, J.D.

I think the thing that gets me the most upset these days is that we keep sending our children to fight endless wars and the public doesn't make any meaningful noise.

Is it that we've got this so-called voluntary army so there's no redress? How about those National Guard kids? Did they think they signed up for Iraq?

If there was a draft, there would be protests in the streets - hopefully. But, these kids, who signed up for a multitude of reasons, including because they didn't see any other options, don't seem to count.

In my view, the ugly in this first decade begins with our response to 9/11. The Dick Cheney gang takes us into a war in Iraq, based on a lie. They were, and are, willing to send kids to kill and die for their own economic reasons. Why isn't there an investigation?

How much did the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld cartel make and continue to make off of the wars? Shouldn't they pay it back?

Our military, industrial banking, corporate complex has found the perfect enemy - an almost fog like - where is he? - perfect enemy, allowing for zillions to continue to be made on war while Congress can't find it to continue unemployment benefits.

Why aren't more people angry?

We continually invade foreign countries. We kill their citizens and we wonder why they want to kill us back. They're terrorists. We're morally superior. The dichotomy seems to be about crude weaponry (blowing oneself up) versus techno death from afar. Zipping drones into living rooms is somehow morally superior. You don't get your hands dirty.

Killing is killing.

One has to wonder who keeps steering us into war. Does the war machine actually have that much power? These wars make no sense.

Over one-half of our national debt is war machine debt.

We produce more weapons than any other nation on earth.

Is that relevant?

Do the American people benefit or just the powerful few?

Personally, I believe we are continually told lies.

We need to stand up for our kids and bring them home.

(Written in 2010)